Stage 1 - Reflect about your experiences, motivations and dreams

a) Reflect about your inner world: what do you feel about yourself, did it always go along with the expectations of your environment? What brought you peace of mind, what were your thrills, what have you been always particularly good at? b) Have you even felt different for no particularly reason? c) Did you have to adjust and silence some of your capacities, to fit in the community or at school?


Stage 2 - Awareness and courage

Is there a part of your personality, some skills and competences that you refuse to fit into a box? That is, if you actually know what the box is... How would you formulate them? If difficult, what would be the initiative that would feel right for you? Often that is how we discover our strengths and "superpowers", regardless if our environment is ready for them or not. Do you have an idea for a project or initiative that might play well in our facilities: urban or rural sites?


Stage 3 - Develop your idea

You are never alone. We call the world wide family of individuals with similar ways of communicating with universe, learning and behaving, the Outintic Society. Good ideas emerge but usually need some energy and effort and between the likeminded people, cooperation is rewarding. Is there anything you would like to share, to implement together with other outintics? With or without mentorship: we can help you to develop and conduct your project idea. Everything from leading workshops, write and direct a film, events, festivals, or starting your own business.


Stage 4 - Partnership

Planning own experiment is great. But remember, your support might mean a lot for other projects! Would you like to travel to another country and become part of the Outintic society, collaborate and participate in amazing multicultural projects? Come to Sweden and enjoy access to our facilities. For any of those options, please consider becoming a member! Now that your project is up and running, you can benefit from strategic partnerships, enlarge your team, conduct and work on multiple projects.


Stage 5 Membership and internship

Stage 1 - Membership Contact us and let us know if you would like to become a member in our community. The fee differs depending on how much time and effort your initiative will require. OR become a volunteer and work with us! Only members and volunteers can benefit from our services.
