One day is just as good an any other day, to start talking out loud about things we have only seen and chitchat in the coffee breaks about. Things like a sense of being different that doesn't disappear with age, capacity to learn in a different matter, follow unwritten rules in the daily routines, or unconventional paths in career development.
Maybe also things like strive for multidimensional relationships and capacity to find solutions outside of the box, odd behaviors and sensitivity.
Also, talk about the capacity of some people to improve in several areas simultaneously well, about some people's capacity to immerse in and focus on a task beyond yoga masters; maybe we should also talk about how similar "normal" environments, make some people happy and some suicidal.
One day is just as fine day as any other, to talk about mental ill-health, exclusion and suicide rates among young people who feel misunderstood and misplaced; about which way understanding between "us" and "them" can go, what is "normal" way of life and how many of these ways there can be.
Who sets up agenda for normality within learning, work and relations? How do we evaluate and even to start with, recognize different competences when we see them? What do our talents and dreams actually mean? When is the age when one can change the world?
Just as any other beautiful day, we decided to spend 26-28 of November on discussing these issues with our present and future colleagues, from all over Europe, calling a first Outintic Summit in Helsingborg.
We invite all specialists: theoretics, practitioners, public service operators, representatives of recruiting companies, researchers, youth workers, etc who have in one way or another encountered the matters of deviant competences, to join the summit.
- Have you met someone who mismatched at school?
- Have you ever talked to school dropouts and felt that they had a point?
- Do you work with someone who had a non-logical but effective way of organisation her/himself?
- Do you meet or work with people who seem to write their own rules of life?
- Do you work or meet bright young people unhappy and feeling lost?
- Do you work with questions of employment and saw people whose strong competences anyway don't fit the market?
- Do you know anyone who despite lack of formal education, has reached high position and quality of life?
Saying yes to any of these may indicate that you have knowledge to contribute with, and knowledge to gain from the Summit.
Please, register and join. There are several options for registration: you may choose to pay a higher fee and let us book your lodging; pay a smaller fee and search for the best lodging option yourself, Helsingborg offers a great variety of cosy living at . For our partners and speakers, there is an option "partner register" with no fee.
The Summit will take place a full day on Friday the 26th, Saturday 27th and half day of Sunday 28th of November.
The aim of this event is to bring together specialist who have similar observations about multiple normalities and multipotentials, for a more structured dialogue on the topic, and together produce a framework for understanding and support of personal and career development of people who don't fit the existing educational or labor market structures.
During these days we will have a number of
presentations highlighting different aspects of Outintic concept; the core of the summit are the workshops and group discussions that will take place between the participants, focusing on the topic. The materials of the summit will be collected and published, presenting a first step on the way of formal recognition of multiple normalities. We hope to mark the start of the process of not only acceptance of deviant competences, but also research and practical utilization of the innovative potential that people with different learning, communicating and behavioral patterns have.
There is chance and space for our participants, to present their own findings and perspectives on the matter during the summit. To organize this in a best way please contact the team on
The summit is made possible thanks to support from Helsingborg city (Evenemangsfonden) and we hope that wonderful Helsingborg vibes will leave a warm memory for all the participants!
Now, about the